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USMD Hospital at Arlington receives Excellence in Prostate Cancer Surgery recognition


Patient Information

At USMD Hospital at Arlington, our goal is to make your visit pleasant and comfortable. Our outpatient diagnostic testing centers utilize the most advanced and efficient technology, and the outpatient day surgery unit is fully equipped to provide exemplary service. Featuring large private suites, our inpatient suites feel more like a hotel than a hospital.

Our caring staff will work to find you the most convenient appointment time possible. We will collect your personal and insurance information when you schedule your appointment, which will expedite your check-in process on the day of service. Your appointment for services at our facility can be scheduled in two different ways:

  1. Your physician may give you a written order for an outpatient test or procedure and request that you contact the Central Scheduling Department at 817-472-3550.
  2. Your doctor may schedule your test or procedure on your behalf. Once your insurance is verified and your financial responsibility determined, the Central Scheduling Department will contact you to set your appointment time, verify your information and discuss your financial responsibility. Should you have questions prior to their contacting you, please call the USMD Hospital at Arlington Central Scheduling Department at 817-472-3550.

If your provider has scheduled you for a surgical procedure, the Central Scheduling office will contact you to make an additional appointment for your preadmission testing 3 –10 days before your scheduled surgery. Preadmission testing includes a review by a nurse of your medical history and laboratory testing, x-rays, or an EKG as ordered by your doctor or required by our protocols.


In the event you are unable to keep your appointment for your preadmission test or surgery, please call 817-472-3550 to cancel or make further arrangements. Please notify your physician of the cancellation.

After your insurance has been verified and benefits have been obtained for your hospital procedure, the Central Scheduling staff will explain your estimated financial responsibility and payment options. Payment can be made over the phone in advance or when you arrive for testing. USMD Hospital at Arlington accepts Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, checks, and cash as forms of payment. You will be billed separately for any contracted physician services, including emergency, anesthesia, or to interpret laboratory tests or radiology exams.

Upon arrival on the day of your appointment, please check in with the receptionist at the main entrance registration desk. The registration desk opens at 5:30 am Monday through Friday. If you have not completed the registration process (including signatures for consents) and met all of your financial requirements, you will be directed to registration. If you have already completed your surgical preadmission testing, you will receive your paperwork and wristband before going to the surgical waiting area.

Before Surgery

  • Do not eat or drink anything after the time you are told.
  • A family member or friend must accompany you to and from the hospital.
  • Wear comfortable clothing that is easy to change back into after surgery.
  • Contact lenses may not be worn during surgery.

Checklist for Day of Surgery

downloadDownload Checklist

Please Bring The Day of Surgery

  • Driver’s license
  • Insurance card
  • Payment (if applicable)
  • List of allergies and medications
  • Any special information from the surgeon (e.g., x-rays, consents, or orders)
  • Copy of advance directives (if applicable) (e.g., a living will or durable power of attorney)
  • Legal guardianship papers (if applicable). A parent/guardian must be available to sign all hospital-required documents. If we can not verify legal guardianship, the procedure will be rescheduled, pending appropriate documents being provided.

Personal Items

  • Do not wear make-up, hair products, body lotion, or perfume to the hospital.
  • Shower the morning of surgery. (Do not shave the surgical site but use Hibiclens® if directed.)
  • Leave all valuables and jewelry at home (including wedding bands and body piercing jewelry).
  • Bring current medications in their original bottles (labeled with prescribed dosage).
  • Bring any personal assistive devices (e.g., CPAP machine, walker, oxygen, inhalers, etc.)
  • Bring contact lens/glasses cases (if applicable).
  • Bring a change of clothes, extra diapers, or pull-ups.
  • Bring comfort items (e.g., blanket, doll, etc.).


  • Wear loose, comfortable clothes. If the surgery will require a large dressing, brace, or cast, please wear clothing that will be easy to get on. (The patient may wear his/her own pajamas to the facility if desired.)
  • An 18-year or older licensed driver must be available to drive the patient home. (This will be verified prior to the start of the procedure. If a legal aged driver is not available, the procedure will be rescheduled.)
  • If an overnight stay is required, bring an overnight bag with toiletries.

Discharge and Aftercare

  • If you are having outpatient surgery, you will be discharged following a brief stay in the recovery room.
  • You must have someone drive you home.
  • At discharge, you will receive follow-up care instructions.
  • If the services of an anesthesiologist, radiologist, and/or pathologist are required, those providers will bill you separately.
  • Closely follow the physician's instructions for post-surgery care.
  • Do not drive or operate machinery for 24 hours after discharge.
  • If you have questions after surgery, call your personal physician.

Central Scheduling Department

Other Providers

USMD Hospital at Arlington is a joint venture with Texas Health Resources and meets the definition under federal law of a physician-owned hospital. Doctors on the medical staff practice independently and are not employees or agents of the hospital. A list of physician owners is available upon request.